Travelling with Amy

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Travelling with Amy

  Adele's niece Amy is now travelling around Cambodia.

Here are some photographs from her journey.

Amy was in Siem Reap at the start of the New Year celebrations. She went for a walk along the river, there was lots of stalls, families and boats. and in the evening everyone had a water fight!

boats on river water fight boats 

night celebrations colured lights and balloons

The pictures below are of the islands of Koh Rong and Samloem.

Amy walked to the other side of the island, by the time she walked back the sky was full of pretty colours.

beach beach and palm trees path through trees orange sunset

Amy saw thunder and lightening over the sea and one evening, after sunset, the sky turned purple and pink.

palm trees evening path through trees boat and sunset purple sunset

evening beach sunset on water


Last modified: Friday, 26 January 2024, 2:49 PM