Travelling with Amy - Battambang

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Travelling with Amy

 Adele's niece Amy is now travelling around Cambodia.

Here are some photographs from her journey

Amy stayed in Phnom Penh and below is the Vietnam and Cambodia friendship monument and the French Independent statue.

Statue pidgeons Thai food

Amy then moved to Battambang by the bat caves. She walked up the mountain to the 'killing cave' and temple and then to the viewpont. She said the view from the top was amazing. At the temple Amy encountered some monkeys who were getting just a bit too close!!

cave Monkey Monkey

Once she had looked round the temple, she took the very steep stairs down to the bottom and found a row of seats to watch the bats.

sunset over mountain  climbing stairs

Every evening millions of bats come out of the cave and it takes about an hour for them all to come out, Amy said it was one of the best things she had ever seen. You can just see the bats in the photograph below, but there is also a video of it in the videos section on this website.

temple  bats

Last modified: Tuesday, 17 January 2023, 2:33 PM