Amy - Ko Mak,Trat

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Travelling with Amy

Adele's niece Amy is travelling around Thailand. Here are some photographs from her journey.

Amy is now coming to the end of her stay in Thailand, before travelling on to Cambodia, here are just a few photos of her last few days on the islands of Koh Chang, Trat, Koh Mak, Trat and Koh Kood, Trat.

Some of the stunning sunsets Amy has seen during her trip.

sunset sunset sunset sunset & palm trees

sunset & boats sunset sunset 

The dark shadow under the water is thousands of small fish gathering in the deeper parts of the water.

 rbridge beach sign palm trees fish under sea 

Some of the wonderful Thai food that Amy enjoyed during her stay.

prawns Thai food


Last modified: Wednesday, 9 November 2022, 10:11 AM