Travelling with Amy - Elephant Nature Park

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Travelling with Amy

Adele's niece Amy is travelling around Thailand. Here are some photographs from her journey.

Amy visited the Elephant Nature Park just outside Chiang Mai. The park rescues elephants from abuse around Thailand and rehouses them. 

elephants elephants elephants 

There are 108 elephants in total, the oldest ones are between 80-90 and the youngest one is a baby of just 8 months old.

elephants elephants elephants elephants

Many of the elephants are blind after being injured before they were rescued so they feel their way with their trunks.

elephants elephants elephants cats

The park also rescues other animals, Amy saw buffalos, cats, dogs and horses. Some of the dogs lived in a care home as they were disabled in some way, all of the dogs were up for adoption. There were 1700 cats on site that had been rescued and you could go in play with.

Go to the video section of this website and watch a short film of the elephants.

Last modified: Tuesday, 11 October 2022, 2:12 PM